Conductive Education
We use the principles of Conductive Education (CE) to teach our children with physical needs.
Greenhall is proud of its CE heritage and the positive impact that this has had on children’s development. Today, we recognise the diverse needs of our school population and acknowledge the importance of working with the available resources yet still believe that ALL children benefit from the principles of Conductive Education.
For our children whose main needs are in relation to their physical development, we deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage through the holistic learning approach of Conductive Education. Conductive Education aims to encourage pupils to be active learners and problem solvers in every situation.
The Conductive Education System provides the structure within which all of the pupils needs are met. This includes personal, social and emotional skills, communication and physical development and also enables the children to have access to a broad and balanced Curriculum. Conductive Education therefore is not a ‘subject’ and does not operate in isolation but underpins all aspects of learning within the school.
Conductive Education prepares pupils for inclusion into their local community. Children learn how to adapt their skills to function in new situations that they are likely to face in their wider environment. We also plan opportunities for social inclusion through link days with Little Learners, our governor-run nursery, where children are facilitated to ensure success and enjoyment.
What is Conductive Education?
Conductive Education is a holistic teaching pedagogy that originated in Hungary by Andras Peto. It was developed to teach children and adults with motor disorders, such as Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, acquired head injury and dyspraxia. It features key principles;
- A belief that the individual CAN learn – it utilises neuroplasticity in order that the individual can re/learn lost or impaired functionality
- The goal is orthofunction –to develop an orthofunctional personality – a ‘can do’ attitude in the individual, a problem-solver – in order that they can achieve their potential
- Learning is active
- Movement, when linked with intention gains importance.
- Social interactions are important - the group plays a key role in CE as learning together with others is motivating.
- Individuals need clear and consistent expectations
- Opportunity to practice and apply the skills learnt is crucial in order to reach goals and achieve success
- Experiencing success at all stages is key
CE has key features These are;
The Conductor
An individual trained in Conductive Education. He / she is a motivator, trained to build on an individual’s abilities and help them to realise their potential. He / she teaches and guides the group, constantly observing and making changes along the way.
The Group
This provides the benefits of social interaction, motivation, group dynamics, support and learning and healthy competition. Working in a group deflects the attention from the individual whilst still meeting individual needs.
The programme / daily routine
This is well planned and highly structured. It is a dynamic process - every activity has an educational purpose and the learning is integrated into every part of the child’s day.
The Task Series
The task series is a structured part of the daily routine. Each task series is a teaching tool, a series of movements carried out in a variety of positions. It serves to equip individuals with the required skills and techniques to accomplish their goals. It is tailored to the group and each individual within the group.
It has an algorithmic structure with the solution of one task being the partial solution of the next – each task is broken down into small, achievable steps.
Rhythmical intention
This is comprised of intention and rhythm.
What is automatic to most people has to be learned by people with neurological conditions. Intent alone may not be enough to accomplish the desired action.
Thus, we use rhythmical intention. The Conductor will say aloud ‘ I bend my left leg’, thus triggering a number of cognitive processes. This is based on a theory of speech that what is externalised is later internalised. It prepares the central nervous system for action and increases the ability to carry out the action. The individual then repeats the phrase aloud.
The use of rhythm (music, counting, and dynamic speech) helps individuals to successfully intend, initiate and carry out movements successfully. This is particularly effective for those individuals with spasticity (tight muscle tone) or difficulty initiating movements.
Rhythm & singing or music are effective tools for learning, providing motivation.
An individual is helped / facilitated to achieve success in a way that enhances learning. There are different forms – psychological, educational, physiological as well as manual. Aids and equipment are used widely with the aim of facilitating skill development – we are not looking for an individual to become dependent on this.
This is an ongoing process, involving assessment, evaluation and consideration of what needs to be changed / adapted to enable further learning.
The learning environment
This is critical to the success or failure of skill development. It is highly structured, supportive, motivating, supportive and challenging, with continued opportunities to reinforce learning. There is a focus on transferring skills learnt into the home environment.
For more information, see ‘What is Conductive Education?’ PCA publications - Professional Conductors Association (PCA UK) (