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EAPDR & SEDIS High Level Pathway Version 1.0, 05.09.24  SEND District Hub does not recommend Enhanced, Assess, Plan, Do, Review (EAPDR) but provides recommendations.  CYP identified with needs  School implements Graduated Response - Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) / District SEND & Indlusion Hub / Panel recommendations  If needs are not being met through APDR, school to refer into / back into District SEND & Inclusion Hub with supporting evidence.  District SEND & Inclusion Hub reviews and discusses referral/CYP  SEND District Hub recommends Enhanced, Assess, Plan, Do, Review (EAPDR)  EAPDR DECLINED  -  School completes green section of the One Form and submits to EAPDR Panel  Panel considers and agrees (where appropriate) EAPDR, of declines the EAPDR request and provides recommendations to setting  School SENCo informed  EAPDR AGREED  If EAPDR approved by Panel, Educational Psychologist allocated  School SENCo arranges Assess & Plan meeting with EP, parent/carer and other relevant professionals e.g. AIT, Entrust Primary Behaviour Support, Speech and Language Therapist, Health professionals  Planning meeting, ('Assess & Plan" phase), to identify and agree outcomes and most appropriate provision, e.g. School resource (eg. ELSA), EPS support, AIT, Speech & Language, SEDIS, CYP Flexible Framework and other commissioned services  If SEDIS is identified as the most appropriate provision, school emails updated One Form, detailing required enhanced provision, to the Staffordshire Commissioning Team (SCT) inbox. SCT process and approve: EAPDR Commissioning reference emailed to school  School contacts SEDIS provider to make arrangements to begin the introduction process and support  School SENCo arranges Review meeting with SEDIS provider, EP, parent/carer and other relevant professionals e.g. Autism team, Entrust Primary Behaviour Support, Speech and Language Therapist, Health professionals  Review meeting to assess progress against outcomes and agree next steps e.g. 2"d cycle of EAPDR, request for EHCNA, or retum to APDR. SEDIS In-reach may be considered at this point
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01785 246159Greenhall Schooloffice@greenhall.staffs.sch.ukSecond Ave, Stafford ST16 1PS
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust